Monday, March 7, 2011

What was I THINKING?!

So I am starting a blog based on my dealings with my Type-B personality (read "life of total disarray") and my attempt at scrapbooking and peddling the materials.  Here's my story: I am a completely average mom, who is single, lives with my mom and has completely sub-par scrapbooking/creativity skills.  But like many other moms I strive to be that woman who can have a delicious, home made dinner on the table and my child wearing clothes that I threw together in the morning before work with fabric leftover from the quilt I just made.  I long for people to say "I just don't see how you do it!  A full time job!  A well behaved child!  Such talent!"  At this point I mostly hear things like "I can't believe you have managed to keep that aloe plant alive for over a month!" (Just kidding!  The aloe plant is dead.) or "No, no, no, I am CERTAIN I can find someone else to watch my pet while I am out of town!" or even "Is that naked little girl over there singing and having a conversation with herself, yours?"  (Yep!  She's mine!).  While I am not sure when my life took this tragic turn (likely around year 2 when I started making my own choices) I am trying to go against 30 years of genetics and poor habits to become the ideal mom!  However, I refuse to really change any bad habits.  So let this be a guide to you for how to remain Type-B while effectively documenting EVERY SECOND of your life with the best and most talented people around!  I have some questions and concerns that will be addressed.  I plan on posting on a weekly basis and will give Type-B moms the confidence and knowledge to compete with those overly organized Type-A's!